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Renting a place in Singapore?
It isn't difficult to consider all the various options that
Singapore has. Be it a flat in the east or an expensive
penthouse in CBD, there are no lack of options.
We need to first determine how much are we ready to spend
before we start the apartment hunting. Deciding on a budget
will not only help us to narrow down on our choices but it
will also save us a lot of time.
Do include agent fees, maintenance costs like minor repair
charges, deposit amount and electricity and water bills when
deciding on a budget.
We could have the option of fully furnished and partially
furnished apartments. A fully furnished apartment is a more
convenient option as we do not have to buy new furniture
but it is often a bit more expensive. It is advisable to go for partially furnished if we already have our own furnitures.

Treat It as Your Own House
Much unhappiness often happens when it is time to hand over the house back to the landlord. There will be arguments on what needs to be repaired and what rectification costs needs to be deducted from the security deposit.
One of the best advice that we can give is to really take good care of the house and treat it as your own. If there are some minor defects, do repair it before the day of handing over. When a landlord takes over a house that is in a good condition, the landlord is often more willing to look beyond some really minor defects but if the landlord enters a house that has a lot of defects, then the landlord might even be more meticulous in his/her checks and all these often cause much unhappiness between all parties.